
Nanchuan Daocheng: Untrammeled

December 16th - February 7th 2021

L207, No.99 Beijing Dong Road

Born in Lijiang in 1993, Nanchuan Daocheng belongs to an ethnic group of Naxi people. After graduating from high school, his choice fell on New York. Upon his arrival in 2015, he enrolled in the Parson’s Fine Arts department. 

As a Chinese who has been exposed to a variety of cultural and academic experiences, he tries to achieve harmony between traditional Chinese philosophy of expression, European and American postmodernist perception of the world, and prehistoric unembellished portrayals of the reality. 


Breath 吐息, Oil on canvas, 180cm x 180 cm, 2020

Finding the Way 寻路, Oil on canvas, 180cm x 180 cm, 2020

The Classic of Mountains and Seas 观山海, Oil on canvas, 200cm x 150 cm, 2020

Looking Up at the Stars 观星, Oil on canvas, 180cm x 180 cm, 2020

Antidotes, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untitled 1, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untitled 2, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untitled 3, Acrylic on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untitled 4, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 5, Acrylic on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 6, Acrylic on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 7, Acrylic on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 8, Acrylic on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 9, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 10, Acrylic on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 11, Acrylic on Canvas, 150 x 112 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 12, Acrylic on Canvas, 145 x 109 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 13, Acrylic on Canvas, 100 x 75 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 14, Acrylic on Canvas, 100 x 75 cm, 2020

Untrammeled 15, Acrylic on Canvas, 100 x 75 cm, 2020

Buddha 1, H67 × W50, Print on Art Paper/ Non Diasec

Buddha 2, H67 × W50, Print + Diasec

Buddha 3, H67 × W50, Print + Diasec

Buddha 4, H67 × W50, Print + Diasec

Buddha 5, H50 × W67, Print on Art Paper/ Non Diasec

Buddha 6, H50 × W67, Print on Art Paper/ Non Diasec

Born in Lijiang in 1993, Nanchuan Daocheng belongs to an ethnic group of Naxi people. After graduating from high school, his choice fell on New York. Upon his arrival in 2015, he enrolled in the Parson’s Fine Arts department. 

As a Chinese who has been exposed to a variety of cultural and academic experiences, he tries to achieve harmony between traditional Chinese philosophy of expression, European and American postmodernist perception of the world, and prehistoric unembellished portrayals of the reality.