
ART IN SUHE HAUS “She's Body” Lin Fanglu Solo Exhibition

2023.11.07 - 2023.12.03

Suhe Haus, 2F - 203, 30 Wen'an Road, Su Zhou Creek, Jing'an District, Shanghai

She's Body Lin Fanglu Solo Exhibition

by Liya Prilipko

Curator: Zirui Zhuang

We are excited to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of the renowned Chinese artist and designer, Fanglu Lin, titled "She's Body." This exhibition will be a part of the new art fair "ART IN SUHE HAUS" and will showcase Lin's exceptional talent in combining traditional women's craft techniques with contemporary sculptural art forms.


Lin's works, made of pliable materials, transcend the boundaries of thread and cloth, elevating storytelling to a monumental level. Through her art, she sheds light on the lives of countless generations of women who have been overlooked and silenced throughout history. With pure and forceful creations, Lin honors the struggles, sacrifices, and contributions of women as creators, protectors, and nurturers.

The exhibition will feature Lin's highly acclaimed "She" series, which explores the culture, lifestyle, and tie-dying techniques of the Bai ethnic minority group. Through meticulous stretching, folding, pleating, and stitching of cotton fabric, Lin transforms simple materials into intricate landscapes of knots and pleats, paying homage to the ancient craft traditions that have been passed down through generations.

In her latest works from the "She's Body" series, Lin introduces vibrant colors, including crimson red, brilliant yellow, violet, and purple, unlike her earlier undyed fabric pieces. These artworks display a carnival of colors, shapes, knobs, and bulges, reminiscent of cell division, corals, seashells, and jellyfish. Lin's colorful cotton membrane of twirls and pleats invites viewers on a mesmerizing journey to the underwater world, symbolizing the strong currents of feminine energy that flow through women's bodies.

The dominant red hues in the "She's Body" series represent the energy of life that courses through our veins, delivering vitality to every part of our bodies. The yellows, purples, and violet symbolize the beauty of human flesh, which carries the marks of collective resilience despite centuries of neglect and abuse. Lin's artworks speak to the unwavering stream of feminine vitality that animates existence itself.


This exhibition is not only a celebration of the power and resilience of women but also a reminder of our connection to nature and the cycles of life. Lin's work urges us to reconnect with the seasons and cycles of nature, to honor our relationships with the land, oceans, and all living creatures. Through her profound artistic expression, Lin encourages us to embrace our bodies, live fully present in the moment, and cultivate a more sincere world.


We invite you to experience the visceral and captivating artworks of Fanglu Lin at the "She's Body" solo exhibition, opening in November

7th, 2023. 


Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the profound beauty and symbolism of Lin's creations.



她的红色身体 She’s red body Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 植物染色棉,棉线,木 150*113*25cm

She's red body no.2 她的红色身体2 152x112cm Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 植物染色棉,棉线,木 2023

She's pink body no.2 她的粉色身体2 91x91cm 植物染色棉,棉线,木 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 2023

她的紫色身体 She’s purple body 植物染色棉,棉线,木 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 92*72*10cm 2023

她的黄色身体 She’s yellow body 植物染色棉,棉线,木 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 92*72*10cm 2023

She's pink body 她的粉色身体 植物染色棉,棉线,木 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 92*72*10cm 2023

She's whimsical No.1 异想天开的她No.1 植物染色棉,棉线,木 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 50*50*8cm 2023

She's red moving no.1 她的红色流动1 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 植物染色棉,棉线,木 53x53cm 2023

She's red moving no.3 她的红色流动3 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 植物染色棉,棉线,木 53x53cm 2023

She's red moving no.4 她的红色流动4 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 植物染色棉,棉线,木 53x53cm 2023

She's red shadow no.1&2 她的影子1、2 植物染色棉,棉线,木 Plant-dyed Cotton, Cotton Thread, Wood 25x25x120cm 25x25x185cm 2023

She's shadow No.1,2,3 她的影子1,2,3 棉布、棉线、木 Cotton cloth, Cotton thread, Wood 25x25x120cm 25x25x160cm 25x25x185cm 2023

她的景色 (二) She’s Scenery No.2 棉布、棉线、木 Cotton cloth, Cotton thread, Wood 165*225*20cm 2023

She's blooming no.9 她正在绽放9 棉布、棉线、木 Cotton cloth, Cotton thread, Wood 53x53cm x 4 pcs 2023

She's Body Lin Fanglu Solo Exhibition

by Liya Prilipko

Curator: Zirui Zhuang

We are excited to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of the renowned Chinese artist and designer, Fanglu Lin, titled "She's Body." This exhibition will be a part of the new art fair "ART IN SUHE HAUS" and will showcase Lin's exceptional talent in combining traditional women's craft techniques with contemporary sculptural art forms.


Lin's works, made of pliable materials, transcend the boundaries of thread and cloth, elevating storytelling to a monumental level. Through her art, she sheds light on the lives of countless generations of women who have been overlooked and silenced throughout history. With pure and forceful creations, Lin honors the struggles, sacrifices, and contributions of women as creators, protectors, and nurturers.

The exhibition will feature Lin's highly acclaimed "She" series, which explores the culture, lifestyle, and tie-dying techniques of the Bai ethnic minority group. Through meticulous stretching, folding, pleating, and stitching of cotton fabric, Lin transforms simple materials into intricate landscapes of knots and pleats, paying homage to the ancient craft traditions that have been passed down through generations.

In her latest works from the "She's Body" series, Lin introduces vibrant colors, including crimson red, brilliant yellow, violet, and purple, unlike her earlier undyed fabric pieces. These artworks display a carnival of colors, shapes, knobs, and bulges, reminiscent of cell division, corals, seashells, and jellyfish. Lin's colorful cotton membrane of twirls and pleats invites viewers on a mesmerizing journey to the underwater world, symbolizing the strong currents of feminine energy that flow through women's bodies.

The dominant red hues in the "She's Body" series represent the energy of life that courses through our veins, delivering vitality to every part of our bodies. The yellows, purples, and violet symbolize the beauty of human flesh, which carries the marks of collective resilience despite centuries of neglect and abuse. Lin's artworks speak to the unwavering stream of feminine vitality that animates existence itself.


This exhibition is not only a celebration of the power and resilience of women but also a reminder of our connection to nature and the cycles of life. Lin's work urges us to reconnect with the seasons and cycles of nature, to honor our relationships with the land, oceans, and all living creatures. Through her profound artistic expression, Lin encourages us to embrace our bodies, live fully present in the moment, and cultivate a more sincere world.


We invite you to experience the visceral and captivating artworks of Fanglu Lin at the "She's Body" solo exhibition, opening in November

7th, 2023. 


Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the profound beauty and symbolism of Lin's creations.